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snippet: This web service represents BOEM Active Renewable Energy Lease Areas. This service was generated by the MARCO Portal.
summary: This web service represents BOEM Active Renewable Energy Lease Areas. This service was generated by the MARCO Portal.
extent: [[-75.9034679343912,36.1411183443909],[-70.0215492817453,41.3264553915126]]
accessInformation: BOEM; web service published by the MARCO Portal
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This web service represents the BOEM Active Renewable Energy Lease Areas. This service was generated by the MARCO Portal utilizing BOEM GIS data.
licenseInfo: BOEM; web service published by the MARCO Portal
title: BOEMActiveRenewableEnergyLeaseAreas
type: Map Service
tags: ["Lease Areas","Lease Blocks","Offshore Wind","Power","Energy"]
culture: en-US
name: BOEMActiveRenewableEnergyLeaseAreas
guid: C29C1B7C-F3B1-4490-929F-9B209A19CEF8
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere