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Service Description: These data layers represent station point data measurements generated by the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (VIMS) and compiled/processed by the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN). They are presented in this web service by the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal as a subset of the original VIMS dataset to show monthly measurements for a particular year. THESE DRAFT DATA ARE FOR INTERNAL REVIEW BY/FOR THE MID-ATLANTIC COASTAL ACIDIFICATION NETWORK (MACAN) AND THE MID-ATLANTIC OCEAN DATA PORTAL AND ARE NOT FOR OTHER USES AT THIS TIME. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT MACAN AND/OR THE MARCO PORTAL.
Map Name: Layers
All Layers and Tables
Dynamic Legend
Dynamic All Layers
Description: These data layers represent station point data measurements generated by the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (VIMS) and compiled/processed by the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN). They are presented in this web service by the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal as a subset of the original VIMS dataset to show monthly measurements for a particular year. THESE DRAFT DATA ARE FOR INTERNAL REVIEW BY/FOR THE MID-ATLANTIC COASTAL ACIDIFICATION NETWORK (MACAN) AND THE MID-ATLANTIC OCEAN DATA PORTAL AND ARE NOT FOR OTHER USES AT THIS TIME. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT MACAN AND/OR THE MARCO PORTAL.
Copyright Text: Station point data measurements generated by the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (VIMS) and compiled/processed by the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN); GIS data processing by the MARCO Portal
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: -8629693.331156261
YMin: 4450382.6793266935
XMax: -8331259.749053903
YMax: 4754945.83436055
Spatial Reference: 102100
Full Extent:
XMin: -2.0037507842788246E7
YMin: -3.024097145838615E7
XMax: 2.0037507842788246E7
YMax: 3.024097145838615E7
Spatial Reference: 102100
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (VIMS) Station Data Measurements
Comments: These data layers represent station point data measurements generated by the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (VIMS) and compiled/processed by the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN). They are presented in this web service by the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal as a subset of the original VIMS dataset to show monthly measurements for a particular year. THESE DRAFT DATA ARE FOR INTERNAL REVIEW BY/FOR THE MID-ATLANTIC COASTAL ACIDIFICATION NETWORK (MACAN) AND THE MID-ATLANTIC OCEAN DATA PORTAL AND ARE NOT FOR OTHER USES AT THIS TIME. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT MACAN AND/OR THE MARCO PORTAL.
Subject: These data layers represent station point data measurements generated by the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (VIMS) and compiled by MACAN.
Keywords: oa
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 1000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, AMF, geoJSON
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
Dynamic Layer
Supported Operations:
Export Map
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