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snippet: This dataset depicts where monitoring of one or more parameters to measure ocean, coastal, and estuarine acidification is being conducted in the Mid-Atlantic.
summary: This dataset depicts where monitoring of one or more parameters to measure ocean, coastal, and estuarine acidification is being conducted in the Mid-Atlantic.
extent: [[-95.0006999999592,25.1879999998399],[-60.2699999999048,45.0099999997739]]
accessInformation: Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN); web service published by the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This dataset depicts where monitoring of one or more parameters to measure ocean, coastal, and estuarine acidification is being conducted in the Mid-Atlantic. As there is no widely accepted method yet to measure acidification (Co3-2) directly, it is calculated from two of the four commonly measured parameters (pH, pCO2, dissolved inorganic carbon [DIC] and total alkalinity [TA]) with known thermodynamic constants. The dataset comes from a variety of sources including state governments and academia whom measure acidification parameters. These data are meant to compile information about the sites that monitor acidification to assist in the development of a robust monitoring network in the Mid-Atlantic as per the goals of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN). This map does not compile the monitoring data itself, but does link to the monitoring data where possible. This map is regularly updated as additional information about monitoring sites continues to emerge and develop. If you have additional information that you think should be included in this map, please contact <a href=""></a>. <br></br> This dataset was updated on the Portal viewer in October 2023. <br></br> NOTE: Some monitoring site point locations have multiple records in the dataset representing different sampling events occurring at the exact same location over multiple years, or even within the same year. These different sampling events sometimes also measured different parameters. The total count of overlapping records/points for a single location are tallied in the 'Number of Samples at Location' attribute in the data. <br></br> Data Source: Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN); web service published by the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal
licenseInfo: These data are intended for visualiation on the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal
title: Ocean Acidification Data, version 202309, DRAFT FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY
type: Map Service
tags: ["ocean acidification"]
culture: en-US
name: Acidification_Monitoring_202310
guid: EC15849B-E408-466E-A4FD-A75EF05BBB6E
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984