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MarineLife/SeaTurtleAndMarineMammalStrandings_Virginia2018 (MapServer)

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Service Description: Marine Mammals Strandings, Virginia, 2018:

This data layer represents marine mammal strandings in Virginia, 2018. The strandings data appear in tabular form (Table 1) in the VAQF Scientific Report Volume 2019 No. 01, 'Virginia Sea Turtle & Marine Mammal Stranding Network 2018 Grant Report - A Final Report to the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program Department of Environmental Quality Commonwealth of Virginia NOAA Grant NA17NOS4190152, Task 49' (A.M. Costidis, W.M. Swingle, S.G. Barco, E.B. Bates, S.D. Mallette, S.A. Rose, A.L. Epple).

A total of 108 marine mammal strandings were recorded during 2018. Marine mammals are divided into five data groups for analyses. These data groups are: (1) bottlenose dolphin – the most common marine mammal in Virginia, (2) harbor porpoise – a common small cetacean that occurs in late winter and spring, (3) large whales – primarily baleen whales such as humpback, fin, right and minke whales, (4) other cetaceans – primarily oceanic species with low stranding rates such as pilot whales, pygmy and dwarf sperm whales, pelagic dolphins and beaked whales, and (5) pinnipeds – harbor, harp, hooded and gray seals.

For the purposes of the report, VAQS used the following definition: Sometimes marine animals wash ashore sick, injured or dead. At other times, they become entrapped or entangled and are unable to return to their natural habitats without assistance. These events are known as Strandings.

Sea Turtle Strandings, Virginia, 2018:

This data layer represents sea turtle strandings in Virginia, 2018. The strandings data appear in tabular form (Table 3) in the VAQF Scientific Report Volume 2019 No. 01, 'Virginia Sea Turtle & Marine Mammal Stranding Network 2018 Grant Report - A Final Report to the Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program Department of Environmental Quality Commonwealth of Virginia NOAA Grant NA17NOS4190152, Task 49' (A.M. Costidis, W.M. Swingle, S.G. Barco, E.B. Bates, S.D. Mallette, S.A. Rose, A.L. Epple).

A total of 274 sea turtle strandings were recorded during 2018. The sea turtles species in the strandings data are: Kemp's ridley, green, and loggerhead, with the remainder unidentified.

For the purposes of the report, VAQS used the following definition: Sometimes marine animals wash ashore sick, injured or dead. At other times, they become entrapped or entangled and are unable to return to their natural habitats without assistance. These events are known as Strandings.

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Copyright Text: Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program; web service published by the MARCO Ocean Data Portal

Spatial Reference: 102100  (3857)

Single Fused Map Cache: false

Initial Extent: Full Extent: Units: esriMeters


Document Info: Supports Dynamic Layers: true

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