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snippet: The SLA boundary line defines the seaward limit of a state's submerged lands and the landward boundary of federally managed OCS lands.
summary: The SLA boundary line defines the seaward limit of a state's submerged lands and the landward boundary of federally managed OCS lands.
extent: [[-82.9821227439371,24.3953223526196],[-66.9108420989118,44.7690319033897]]
accessInformation: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management; web service published by the MARCO Ocean Data Portal
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The Submerged Lands Act (SLA) boundary line (also known as State Seaward Boundary or Fed State Boundary) defines the seaward limit of a state's submerged lands and the landward boundary of federally managed OCS lands. In the BOEM Atlantic Region it is projected 3 nautical miles offshore from the baseline.
licenseInfo: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
title: Submerged Lands Act Boundary
type: Map Service
tags: ["SLA","submerged lands act"]
culture: en-US
name: SubmergedLandsActBoundary
guid: 8297BFC2-D3F5-4514-91A4-144CE04EDAA2
spatialReference: GCS_WGS_1984